Tuesday, April 9, 2024

A Decade Later

 This past January, "The Horseback Artist" hit a pretty big milestone... 

It's kind of amazing to think that I've been keeping this blog going and active for a decade! 

Some years have been better than others but I know full well that some of you have stuck around through it all. For those who have been reading from Day 1....Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your support and readership mean so very much to me. 

After giving much thought, I've decided that this blog will continue on though in a slightly different way. I love writing and blogging been great way to reflect and revisit my adventures with Quest. 

However times have changed, and so should this blog. I've always been a hobbyist and have too many interests to keep track of. I joke that when I retire (lol....), I have no shortage of things to keep my remaining days busy and full. If the new content isn't your thing or what you signed up for, I get it. We all change, but I do hope you decide to stick around!

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