Saturday, October 18, 2014

Superstar Quest

A and I helped out our friend J with barn chores in the morning and we decided to venture out for Quest's first foray with me on the trails.

She was simply AMAZING. We encountered a ton of obstacles on our ride. Highway tunnels, manhole covers, and even a couple bicycles. 

According to J, apparently the manhole cover creates a ton of angst with most horses that go by it- Quest gave it a look and walked on like it was nothing. The biker was a little more worrisome for her but she handled it fine. We did about 2.5 miles in 45 minutes. Quest still had plenty of forward. She does great following in the back and staying the middle. I didn't get a chance to see how well she leads yet but it'll be something for later. I'm already quite pleased with how she did today. 


  1. Awesome! Though I'm not surprised. ;-)

    1. I think the rational side of my brain was trying to curb expectations lol

  2. good job Quest! isabel always has a look at anything 'unnatural' too - which can include manhole covers but also graffiti lol

    1. Aww, silly Izzy! I think the highway traffic zooming overhead probably took precedence for Quest in her case haha
